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I Heart Faces Challenge Week 13 - "Dramatic B&W"

I Heart Faces Challenge Week 12 - "Focusing on Angles"

Check out other "angles" at I Heart Faces!

I Heart Faces Fix It Friday# 47

Every Friday, "I Heart Faces" has a photo that needs editing. Here is this week's original photo:

Here is my fix:

Happy 1st Birthday Allie!

Allie Smith is the daughter of a colleague of mine. She is turning one, and is all dressed up and ready to celebrate!

I Heart Faces Weekly Challenge #9 - Hilarious Outtakes

Belly Up!

Last weekend, I visited Cara Pierce, an old friend, who is pregnant with her third child. She realized that she had never had belly shots taken, and since this is her and her husband's last child, she asked me to take a few. This is Cara and her daughter, Teague.

Cara's second born, Knox, is 20 months. What a cutie!!

Jeff, Cara's husband, is a huge UGA fan. We decided to do some pictures for him too :)

So, we ended the day in downtown Lavonia. These are just for fun!!